The Pitfalls of the
by Brian Forbes
(c) 2015
This is a continuation of my thoughts on position positioning, and
is meant to be read after that. This is not an exhaustive
list of reasons for why skepticism can be problematic. As a
method, it can be good. We all know that there are lies
floating amidst the teachings of men, and we know that if we
believe everything we hear, we will be led astray and taken
advantage of. But there is also danger in being too
I am often asked the question, "Why, then, do [insert off the cuff
statistic above 90%] of scientists say that evolution is
true?" My answer is that when you start with naturalism
exclusively, and you are "not allowed" to use untestable solutions
to the problem (i.e. fairies), any answer that you come up with is
going to be natural. Naturally! It's a form of
circular reasoning. The real question is why up to 10% of
scientists don't. The strict scientist isn't even supposed
to take the word of other scientists. They are supposed to
test for themselves to see that the claim is true. And, of
course, this epistemology leads only to knowledge being known
through the scientific method. I'm thankful that most people
don't accept that science is the only way to know things, or else
we wouldn't be able to point to abstract and untestable things
like political office. We know from watching con men that
things like police authority come through trust and not through
any testable method of discernment. That's why officers get
things like badges, which, for most people, are difficult to
make. And if someone started manufacturing police badges and
uniforms so that they could exercise police authority over the
populous, the genuine authorities would take personal offense and
bring these people to justice. The police would likewise look to
the pretended authority of the courts, who in turn look to the
imaginary authority of the legislature, who, in turn, looks to the
impressive, yet fake might of the military and its commanding
officer. Imaginary... riiight. We know that these
offices exist, but we can't demonstrate it scientifically, because
it's not a matter of science at all. It's a political truth,
i.e. something we choose to believe on faith. Is there
a balance between accepting the art of the con vs. only accepting
truths that you can observe with your own eyes and test with the
scientific method? I believe there is.
A couple years back, I went to a talk where the speaker was
discussing her research into the potential sciences. She
criticized what were deemed pseudosciences. I was a little
bit shocked when she claimed that all of chiropractic medicine
should be tossed out, because it wasn't scientific enough.
During the break I asked my friends what they thought and if they
thought she was being a little too skeptical. One of my
friends said to ask her. I said that I wasn't about
to. During the question and answer period, my so called
friend pointed at me and said I was afraid to ask my question, if
it's possible to be too skeptical. I threw my hat at him
across the aisle as he grinned back at me. She answered that
it was not possible to be too skeptical, and, by implication, that
the whole of chiropractic medicine is unscientific. I think
this is a great place to draw a line.
A couple of days ago, I sat down with a long time friend, and we
discussed the philosophy of atheism vs. Christianity. I had
a vested interest in this guy, because he had been in my small
group in his youth. He had no difficulty telling me that he
was agnostic. I asked if he was living like an atheist, or
more like a Christian. He qualified his answer and said that
in some ways like a Christian and in other ways like an
atheist. For instance, he said, he could talk to a
transgender person about their life without any kind of
judgment. I told him that 1 Cor. 5 forbids Christians from
judging an unrepentant transgender atheist too, and that he
could use that if a Christian ever made a non-believer feel
unloved. So, in that way, he was being more Christian than
most Christians. We camped out on this idea for a while -
that you can't actively live an agnostic lifestyle. Before
we parted company, I urged him, even if he didn't actively believe
in his mind, that he should exercise faith. He should live
his life as if he did believe in God and the afterlife. If
he lives actively as an atheist when he is an agnostic, he will
give the demonic principalities authority over his life, and he
will be subject to them in the end.
We talked at length about confirmation bias, which, ironically,
was brought up by him. I quoted Anselm of Canterbury, "...I
believe that I might understand." He said that I wasn't
helping my case, because I'm starting with confirmation bias.
The discussion moved to whether atheists have morals. He
took offense when I said that it's impossible for atheists to have
morals. He said that his morals may be based on something
different than mine, but they are based in something. I
said, no, not so. Morals are absolute, and if there isn't a
universal King of the Universe to enforce them, all we have is
opinions about what might have been morality. In an
atheistic world view, morals don't exist, only opinions about
right and wrong. I contend that if he is making up what he
believe to be right by looking inside himself and comparing it to
the culture of his day, the chances of him being absolutely and
objectively moral are very slim indeed.
Yesterday, I was processing what we had discussed. I feel
like God prompted me with the wisdom of insight. In the same
way that scientists regularly reject supernatural explanations,
agnostics will regularly come to actively doubt God. Think
about it. If your standard for accepting something as true
is that you can touch, taste, smell, hear, or see it, in what way
would you be able to sense the supernatural? You would have
to rely on what is commonly called the sixth sense. You
would have to say, "I feel God is here." Or "God may be
prompting me." For the skeptic, these things are never
adequate, because they start with doubt. They put their bar
high enough that it would literally take fire from heaven, as
happened with Elijah, not the first time, not the second time, but
the third time before the proper reverence is given. (2 Kings
1) And even then, the Pharisees and Pharaoh saw miracles,
and they misdirected the credit for them.
I believe I've found the answer to the question that once puzzled
me. Agnostics will often become atheist or remain agnostic
until they are finished with life, not because they have looked at
religion and found it lacking in evidence. It is because
they have chosen to place the bar of evidence in the wrong
place. I'm not saying it's too high, but that it's measuring
the wrong thing. If you start out expecting scientific (i.e.
repeatable, observable) answers to your supernatural questions,
you will always be lacking evidence in the end. You're
looking in the wrong place. If you want to have evidence for
God and the supernatural, you can't expect it to come in the form
of natural occurrences, and when you end up seeing them, you may
misinterpret them as being a part of the magical black box
called the brain. You may say you imagined it, or you were
high on a natural chemical. If you are determined to doubt,
when you have supernatural experiences, you will doubt them,
because it's your a
priori posture.
On the evidence, if I'm honest, I would say that when you actually entertain the idea that God doesn't exist and actively doubt miracles, and you look at the face of an ape and see the similarities and ignore the differences, atheism seems plausible. On the other hand, if you actively believe the miracle stories, look at the differences between species vs. the fossils they have in the archives, etc., Christianity seems plausible. If you completely empty your mind of all prejudice, you can be convinced of anything, literally. Because if you doubt anything, it's only because you've chosen to keep some aspect of your former mindset. For example, do you trust your senses? Do you trust your ability to reason? If you have an answer to either of those, you have a bias. You didn't clear your mind enough. And to the extent that you do clear your mind, you can fill it with quite literally anything. And you can make excuses for anything you choose to believe. And if you try hard enough, you can come up with a whole set of self consistent beliefs that are, to your mind, rational. And all of that comes out of your choice to believe or doubt, i.e. your standard for truth. Your starting point pretty much determines your destination. You start a journey, and the first step pretty much dictates where you are going to end up.
There's another word for doubting your upbringing that is slightly
better than what an agnostic does. It's called being a
seeker. They don't default to doubt. They default to,
"I don't know yet, but I aim to find out." I'm not at all
saying that people need to be seekers and not agnostics.
What I am saying is that confirmation bias is strong no matter who
you are, and choosing to be a seeker is likely going to result in
a different result than starting your journey as an
agnostic. If you start your study of chiropractic with a
desire to do it for people, you will see and accept a lot more
evidence in favor of it. If you start with the aim of
falsifying it, you will find evidence to support that. And
in this world where anyone wearing a police uniform could actually
be a con man, we do have to pick a starting position. If you
choose to be an agnostic, you will probably end up like Michael
Shermer of The Skeptics Society. If you start out as a
seeker, you may live your life as Nathan Wheeler of TruthMeFree
did. Both did experimentation, and both came to very solid
conclusions. The difference was not in the logic or the
evidence, but in the attitude. We have to plan out our lives
with a choice to vindicate our preferred position. If we
start our journey with the aim to doubt our position, we will
succeed. I have no doubt.